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Onshape is the only cloudnative product development platform that delivers fullfeatured CAD, integrated PDM and enterprise analytics in a single system enabling your business to develop quality products fast, collaboratively, and securely.

Risk Mitigation and IP Protection

Designs are stored and tracked with a complete version history, allowing you to audit or roll back changes as needed. Strict, rolebased access control keeps your design data secure at all times. Every designer, engineer, contractor, or supplier involved in the product design lifecycle is given specific permissions and rights. Instant deprovisioning means when a contract is complete, or an engineer leaves the company or changes roles, you can immediately revoke their access to the project.

Zero IT Footprint

Onshape requires no downloads, installations, or license codes. You can access Onshape's cloudbased platform with any modern web browser from your Mac, PC, Chromebook or Linux computer. Administrators can instantly provision and deprovision seats to scale their design team and meet fluctuating business needs. Builtin version control eliminates the need for PDM systems with dedicated servers and network infrastructure, software upgrades and licensing. Onshape frees your IT team from CAD and PDM maintenance and empowers your engineers to spend more time designing and less time dealing with software issues, locked files, and incompatible file types.

Accelerate timetomarket

Realtime design reviews, commenting and simultaneous editing enable a collaborative workflow where multiple design iterations can be completed in parallel, and when approved, the best elements can be merged into the final design. Product specifications and drawings can be instantly shared with your manufacturing team or suppliers to get the best possible product to market before your competition.

Here you can download Onshape for Free